Latest version and related info
Latest version of...
The currently maintained version of DS4Windows is the one from the Ryochan7 Developer. If you are using any DS4Windows version lower than the currently latest version from Ryochan7's DS4Windows it's recommended that you update (Check your current version on DS4Windows' Log tab)
- Ryochan7's DS4Windows Github page
- The release page contains the changelog
COMPANION DRIVERS (click to expand)
These are the drivers used by DS4Windows so it can properly function (for more info on them check the companion driver's page). Make sure to check now and then if you have installed the latest version of each:
- ViGEm's ViGEmBus
- ViGEm's HidHide
- When updating HidHide, the user must:
- Uninstall current version
- Reboot
- Install latest version
- Reboot again
- When updating HidHide, the user must:
- Ryochan7's FakerInput v0.1
- It's installed by DS4Windows itself, so just make sure you are on DS4Windows latest version
Current state of the DS4Windows project
- The developer Ryochan7 is currently updating DS4Windows. His version is the one that should be used by users